A Captivating Masterpiece for Luxurious Spaces.
Indulge in the opulence of the”Stiche” Original Murano Glass Mirror, a fresh and modern custom made Murano Mirror. “Stiche”is an unique contemporary Murano Mirror that combines the traditional art of Murano Mirrors with a modern and refined style.”Stiche”,a modern Murano glass mirror is an exquisite fusion of craftsmanship and artistry. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans in the renowned Murano glassmaking tradition, ensuring its unrivaled beauty and exceptional quality. With its graceful design , this mirror is the perfect centerpiece to elevate any space to new heights of elegance.
A precious silver mirror is here! To create this beautiful handmade jewel we used the silver leaves and the result will leave you to be amazed.
A real work of art perfect for every location! a beautiful jewel made with gold leave. this is an artwork which goes with everything!
A perfect rectangular mirror characterized by a modern, graphic and stylish impact frame which create a harmonious soft light.
Perfect to enhance the home but especially to give it the best style.
The geometry and balance of this handmade mirror make it the essential jewel for every room.
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