A Captivating Masterpiece for Luxurious Spaces.
Indulge in the opulence of the”Very Beo” Original Murano Glass Mirror, a classic custom made Murano Mirror. “Very Beo”is an unique contemporary Murano Mirror that combines the traditional art of Murano Mirrors with a modern an refined style.”Very Beo”,a modern Murano glass mirror is an exquisite fusion of craftsmanship and artistry. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans in the renowned Murano glassmaking tradition, ensuring its unrivaled beauty and exceptional quality. With its graceful design , this Luxury mirrors entail complex and delicate processing techniques, which require considerable effort in terms of precision and attention to detail during the construction phase, as well as notable creative work, which involves all master craftsmen.
“Very Beo” is composed of a very large number of different glass parts, the profiles of which are processed with skill and painstaking care to create astounding luminous effects and a multitude of pieces and details, with processes that can exceed 100 hours.All the pieces are then joined together to give rise to genuine art creations, which play with the beauty of light and reflections.
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